Education Technology
VReddo Case Study: Redmako Learning
The Challenge
Australian Registered Organisation, Redmako Learning, was working with Secondary Schools in delivering vocational qualifications (ie. Certificate through to Diploma level qualifications). Frequently, enrolments from these Secondary Schools didn’t meet minimum number requirements to make face to face classroom training viable. Online learning didn’t have the interactivity, community or accountability required to ensure progression of this student cohort. Teaching via video conference was considered, but trial classes endured very low engagement, with many Students distracted in their school environments, plus the temptation of their phone notifications constantly challenged how ‘present’ they were in lessons.
Redmako Learning aspired to offer face to face training to ALL students, without the need to meet minimum numbers – but how?
The Solution
Redmako Learning licensed VReddo (virtual reality classroom application), promoting to Secondary Schools that their students could enjoy all the benefits of face to face training within a Virtual Reality classroom, from any location and that no minimum numbers would be required. Students just had to put on their provided VR headset, and they were immediately teleported into their VR classroom, where they were met by their Redmako Learning Trainer and fellow classmates.
During Redmako Learning’s first Student intake using VReddo, they were able to accept students from 27 Secondary Schools that would have previously not been able to access face to face vocational training on account of not being able to reach minimum numbers.
“VReddo provided us with an amazing opportunity to help so many more Schools and because of the immersive, engaging nature of this training platform, 93% of Students from our first intake using VReddo went on to complete!” said Celeste Grice, Schools Account Manager for Redmako Learning.
Redmako Learning has now gone on to launch a variety of courses delivered in VReddo – to learn more you can visit their website at
Do you work in Education? If you are facing a similar Challenge to Redmako Learning, perhaps VReddo is a Solution worth considering? Alternatively, if this Challenge isn’t ‘familiar’, there’s a raft of other use cases for VReddo so please register for our VReddo Solutions Flyer so you can learn more about this exciting emerging technology platform.